7,211 research outputs found

    Chapter Digital Innovation & Technological Explosion

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    Comites palatini/paladini: ipotesi sulle forme di legittimazione del principato dei Guidi

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    Dopo il 1150 le due maggiori famiglie “principesche” toscane (Aldobrandeschi e Guidi) ricorsero a nuove forme di titolatura per distinguersi dal resto delle famiglie comitali della regione. Immediatamente, nel caso degli Aldobrandeschi, o dopo alcuni esperimenti che non ebbero seguito, nel caso dei Guidi, entrambe le dinastie ricorsero al titolo palatino, da solo (comes palatinus) o accompagnato da un riferimento all’ambito regionale (comes Tuscie palatinus). Non esercitarono, però, le funzioni e i diritti tipici dei comites sacri palatii della tradizione carolingia. La storiografia ha spiegato il titolo (solo onorifico) in termini di imitazione dell’ufficio carolingio. Questo era senz’altro uno dei messaggi che le due stirpi volevano trasmettere, usando quel titolo, in particolare allorché interagivano con l’autorità imperiale e con la nobiltà del regno. Il saggio, pur senza negare questo nesso, esplora un altro significato del titolo palatino, corrente in particolare nei rapporti tra “principi” e società cavalleresca toscana. Come si ricava anche da un’analisi dalla cronaca del Tolosano (Chronicon Faventinum), si può intendere il titolo palatino come un’allusione alla figura di Orlando e degli altri paladini di Francia, personaggi che proprio allora andavano acquistando centralità nell’immaginario delle aristocrazie cavalleresche toscane. La fortuna del titolo palatino andrà spiegata in primo luogo con la pluralità di significati che, nel dialogo politico con i vari interlocutori dei “principi”, esso di volta in volta poteva assumere: allusione all’inserimento nella gerarchia degli uffici pubblici e nella nobiltà d’impero; ufficio noto al ceto dei giuristi; allusione alla figura di Orlando e al suo ruolo di primus inter pares nei confronti dei cavalieri. Lo studio della titolatura, lungi dall’essere curiosità erudita, perciò, permette di avvicinarsi ai linguaggi politici usati dalle famiglie principesche per legittimarsi di fronte ai loro diversi interlocutori, e getta un fascio di luce sul sistema di valori e sugli orizzonti culturali del ceto cavalleresco rurale toscano.Dopo il 1150 le due maggiori famiglie “principesche” toscane (Aldobrandeschi e Guidi) ricorsero a nuove forme di titolatura per distinguersi dal resto delle famiglie comitali della regione. Immediatamente, nel caso degli Aldobrandeschi, o dopo alcuni esperimenti che non ebbero seguito, nel caso dei Guidi, entrambe le dinastie ricorsero al titolo palatino, da solo (comes palatinus) o accompagnato da un riferimento all’ambito regionale (comes Tuscie palatinus). Non esercitarono, però, le funzioni e i diritti tipici dei comites sacri palatii della tradizione carolingia. La storiografia ha spiegato il titolo (solo onorifico) in termini di imitazione dell’ufficio carolingio. Questo era senz’altro uno dei messaggi che le due stirpi volevano trasmettere, usando quel titolo, in particolare allorché interagivano con l’autorità imperiale e con la nobiltà del regno. Il saggio, pur senza negare questo nesso, esplora un altro significato del titolo palatino, corrente in particolare nei rapporti tra “principi” e società cavalleresca toscana. Come si ricava anche da un’analisi dalla cronaca del Tolosano (Chronicon Faventinum), si può intendere il titolo palatino come un’allusione alla figura di Orlando e degli altri paladini di Francia, personaggi che proprio allora andavano acquistando centralità nell’immaginario delle aristocrazie cavalleresche toscane. La fortuna del titolo palatino andrà spiegata in primo luogo con la pluralità di significati che, nel dialogo politico con i vari interlocutori dei “principi”, esso di volta in volta poteva assumere: allusione all’inserimento nella gerarchia degli uffici pubblici e nella nobiltà d’impero; ufficio noto al ceto dei giuristi; allusione alla figura di Orlando e al suo ruolo di primus inter pares nei confronti dei cavalieri. Lo studio della titolatura, lungi dall’essere curiosità erudita, perciò, permette di avvicinarsi ai linguaggi politici usati dalle famiglie principesche per legittimarsi di fronte ai loro diversi interlocutori, e getta un fascio di luce sul sistema di valori e sugli orizzonti culturali del ceto cavalleresco rurale toscano

    Economic ideas and economists in the Parliament in the liberal age: The attempt to implement a tax on incomes in Spain in 1868-1869

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    The presence of economic ideas in parliamentary debates is a field of study that has increasingly gained attention within the wider subject of the institutionalisation of political economy in the so called liberal age in Western world. Within this general framework, this paper focuses on a particular case: It studies the relevance of economic ideas and the role of economists in the debates which took place in the Spanish Parliament following the bill issued by the Minister of Finances Laureano Figuerola in order to establish a tax on personal incomes in 1868. The article attempts to show, first, that economic ideas played a significant role in the design and the subsequent discussions about the income tax, and that the presence and influence of economists in the Parliament at that time was remarkable. Secondly, that this was a serious attempt to modernise the structure of taxation in Spain after the liberal revolution of 1868, seeking to devise a fiscal system capable to foster economic development.income tax, tax reform, parliament, public finances, political economy, economic liberalism

    Ricardo and the Utilitarians

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    The paper discusses Ricardo's relationship to Mill and Bentham. It discusses first the origins of the myth of Ricardo's dependence from Bentham through Mill, and Halévy's contribution to the freezing of such a myth. The paper reconstructs what were their shared political commitments and activities and the kind of specific political views and agenda that may be ascribed to Ricardo himself. The paper discusses then the question of Ricardo's adhesion to Benthamite ethics. It examines fragments in Ricardo's correspondence with Maria Edgeworth and Francis Place, and adds fresh light on the issue by highlighting the partial overlapping between Bentham's ethics and the kind of intuitionism with theological consequentialism that Ricardo had learned from the Unitarian minister Thomas Belsham

    Polymerization shrinkage and spherical glass mega fillers: Effects on cuspal deflection

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    Purpose. The Authors analyzed the effect of spherical glass mega fillers (SGMF) on reducing contraction stress in dental composite resins, by means of a cavity model simulating the cuspal deflection which occurs on filled tooth cavity walls in clinical condition. Materials and methods. 20 stylized MOD cavities (C-factor = 0.83) were performed in acrylic resin. The inner surface of each cavity was sand blasted and adhesively treated in order to ensure a valid bond with the composite resin. Three different diameter of SGMF were used (i.e. 1, 1,5, 2 mm). The samples were divided in 4 groups of 5 each: Group 1 samples filled with the composite only; Group 2 samples filled with composite added with SGMFs, Ø1mm (16 spheres for each sample); Group 3 samples filled with composite added with SGMFs, Ø1,5 mm (5 spheres for each sample); Group 4 samples filled with composite added with SGMFs, Ø2 mm (2 spheres for each sample). Digital pictures were taken, in standardized settings, before and immediately after the polymerization of the composite material, placed into the cavities. With a digital image analysis software the distances from the coronal reference points of the cavity walls were measured. Then the difference between the first and second measurement was calculated. The data were analyzed by means of the ANOVA test. Results. A significative reduction on cavity walls deflection, when the composite resin is used in addiction with the SGMFs was observed. The SGMFs of smallest diameter (1mm) showed the better outcome. Conclusion. The SGMFs are reliable in reducing contraction stress in dental composite resins

    Il Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche – C.R.I.G.A. on-line

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    Da oltre un secolo è noto in ambiente speleologico, geologico, archeologico che il Carso triestino è un’area ad alta concentrazione di grotte, molte delle quali – 165 stando ai dati dell’Archivio Storico della Società Alpina delle Giulie – con tracce della presenza umana in antico. Le grotte hanno catalizzato l’interesse sia di ricercatori professionisti, sia di appassionati o curiosi, e questo ha comportato il susseguirsi dagli ultimi decenni dell’800 ad oggi di moltissimi interventi di scavo, sistematici e non, che hanno dato una quantità ingente di materiali rimasti largamente inediti. Al fine di recuperare e organizzare la documentazione presente in letteratura e negli archivi, e di contestualizzare le tracce dell’uomo nell’ambiente naturale, in primis nelle singole grotte, una decina di anni fa si è avviato un progetto interdisciplinare che ha coinvolto specialisti di discipline diverse dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste nella costruzione di una banca dati geo-archeologica denominata Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche – C.R.I.G.A. Al di là della possibilità di soddisfare gli obiettivi originari di ricerca scientifica, il C.R.I.G.A. ha grandi potenzialità anche a fini di didattica, divulgazione, tutela delle grotte e pianificazione degli interventi sul territorio. In considerazione di questi aspetti, il database è stato reso accessibile a chiunque, all’indirizzo web www. units.it/criga. Nel presente contributo si presentano brevemente la storia del C.R.I.G.A., la situazione attuale e le prospettive future.For more than a century, it is well known in speleological, geological and archaeological fields that the Karst Plateau is an area with a high concentration of caves, many of which – 165 according to data from the Historical Archive of the Julian Alpine Society – contain traces of ancient human presence. The caves have attracted the interest of both professional researchers and curious enthusiasts, resulting in a succession of excavation work, systematic and non-systematic, from the last decades of the 1800s up until today, which has produced a large quantity of material that has remained for the most part unpublished. In order to retrieve and organize the documentation found in literature and archives, and to contextualize the traces of mankind in the natural environment, primarily in the single caves, a decade or so ago an interdisciplinary program was started up involving specialists in various fields from the University of Trieste in the creation of geo-archaeological database called the Computerized Cadastre of Archaeological Caves (CRIGA – Catasto Ragionato Informatico delle Grotte Archeologiche). Aside from the possibility to meet the original objectives of scientific research, CRIGA also has great potential for teaching, promotion, cave protection and the planning of operations in the area. In view of these aspects, the database has been made accessible by the general public, at the web address www. units.it/criga. This contribution provides a brief history of CRIGA, its actual situation and its future prospects

    Magnetic order in double-layer manganites (La(1-z)Pr(z))1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7: intrinsic properties and role of the intergrowths

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    We report on an investigation of the double-layer manganite series (La(1-z)Pr(z))1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 (0 <= z <= 1), carried out on single crystals by means of both macroscopic magnetometry and local probes of magnetism (muSR, 55Mn NMR). Muons and NMR demonstrate an antiferromagnetically ordered ground state at non-ferromagnetic compositions (z >= 0.6), while more moderate Pr substitutions (0.2 <= z <= 0.4) induce a spin reorientation transition within the ferromagnetic phase. A large magnetic susceptibility is detected at {Tc,TN} < T < 250K at all compositions. From 55Mn NMR spectroscopy, such a response is unambiguously assigned to the intergrowth of a ferromagnetic pseudocubic phase (La(1-z)Pr(z))(1-x)Sr(x)MnO3, with an overall volume fraction estimated as 0.5-0.7% from magnetometry. Evidence is provided for the coupling of the magnetic moments of these inclusions with the magnetic moments of the surrounding (La(1-z)Pr(z))1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 phase, as in the case of finely dispersed impurities. We argue that the ubiquitous intergrowth phase may play a role in the marked first-order character of the magnetic transition and the metamagnetic properties above Tc reported for double-layer manganites.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Between Resistance and Resilience. How Do Italian Solidarity Purchase Groups Change in Times of Crisis and Austerity?

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    This Paper deals with the current transformations of Solidarity Purchase Groups (SPGs) in Italy. We particularly wonder if and eventually how the economic crisis and austerity policies have affected SPGs. Through an approach based on the literature on political consumerism and social movements, six hypotheses are proposed: ‘less economic resources, less SPGs,’ ‘cultural path dependency,’ ‘increased op-portunities,’ ‘isomorphism,’ ‘civic traditions,’ and ‘resilience.’ Empirical data focus on Italian and Tuscan SPGs, by both articulating different research methods and focalizing on different levels. Although our work has only an explorative aim, our analysis shows that the amount of available economic resources cannot per se lead to a satisfying understanding of the evolution of SPGs. Hypotheses based on culture and politi-cal processes seem to be more promising and can point to the resilience capacity of those groups. Post-materialistic values resulting from economic well-being might have produced organized practices of political consumerism. However, once political consumerism gets structured—this is our tentative argument—not only does it resist to external shocks but also it transforms itself and adapts to the new conditions imposed by crises, that is, it becomes ‘resilient.’ The ‘resilience hypothesis’ applied to SPGs nevertheless has to face some social cleavages

    Structural control on the Los Ratones pluton and the uranium mineralization at the Fiambalá range, Sierras Pampeanas, Catamarca

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    El Granito Los Ratones, de edad carbonífera, está compuesto por dos facies principales: porfírica y equigranular. La mineralización de uranio alojada en la caja metamórfica sobre el borde NO del plutón se interpreta asociada a un greisen abierto rico en flúor vinculado con las facies equigranular. La cartografía detallada de la roca de caja del plutón, de parte de los bordes del intrusivo y de las manifestaciones uraníferas muestra un marcado control estructural sobre el emplazamiento del plutón, particularmente de la facies porfírica, y sobre la circulación de los fluidos mineralizantes. Cuatro juegos de fracturas participan de este control. Los dos principales de rumbo N y NE coinciden nítidamente con los bordes oeste y noroeste de la facies porfí- rica y con las expresiones más notables de la mineralización de uranio. El tercer juego corresponde a fracturas de rumbo EO que son secundarias respecto a las anteriores considerando su frecuencia y longitud, al igual que el cuarto de rumbo NO. Los buzamientos de los juegos de fracturas N y NE son próximos a la vertical, orientación corroborada por estudios geofísicos en la zona dominada por las fracturas NE. Además de los rasgos mencionados, los diques básicos y ácidos que acompa- ñan al plutón siguen preferentemente estas orientaciones. Las estructuras que controlan el magmatismo y la mineralización estarían vinculadas con un sistema de fallas meridianas con movimiento horizontal derecho principal y normal subordinado que parcialmente reactivaron heterogeneidades del basamento metamórfico, básicamente la foliación principal. Flexiones y quiebres a lo largo de estas estructuras generaron zonas dilatantes en las que se concentraron el magmatismo y la mineralización.The Carboniferous Los Ratones pluton is composed by two main facies: equigranular and porphyric. The uranium mineralization hosted by the metamorphic rock on the NW border of the pluton is related to a fluor- rich greisen related to the equigranular facies. The detailed mapping of the pluton host rock and the uranium mineralization shows a well-defined structural control on both the granite emplacement, particularly on the porphyric facies, and on the migration of the mineralized fluids. Four sets of fractures participate on this control. The two main with N and NE trends coincide clearly with the west and northwest border of the pluton as well as with the high-grade uranium manifestations. The third and fourth ones respectively corresponds to E-W and NW striking fractures, which are less developed in relation to the main fractures considering their frequency and size. Fractures of the four sets are high dipping close to vertical, attitude corroborated by geophysical studies in the area where the NE fractures are the best developed. In addition to the mentioned features, granite-related acidic and basic dikes follow mainly these orientations. The fracture sets seem to be related to a high-east dipping meridian fault system with right horizontal main movement component and subordinate normal displacement. These faults partially reactivated heterogeneities of the metamorphic rocks, mainly the dominant foliation. Changes on the strike of these fractures formed dilatant zones where magmatism and related mineralization were concentrated.Fil: Hongn, Fernando Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Luis. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica; ArgentinaFil: Morello, Orquídea. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica; ArgentinaFil: Rubinstein, Nora Alicia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geologia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Kirschbaum, Alicia Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Guidi, Franco. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica; ArgentinaFil: Anesa, Jorge. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica; Argentin